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Rough Draft

Life in Wisconsin revolves around two things, the temperature and the Green Bay Packers schedule. The Packers schedule being the most influential of the two. This document has the power to cancel dinner plans, end church early and even cancel school. This schedule is thought of constantly when making plans and is often the first thing that is looked at when trying to decide what to do with your weekend. The schedule is essential to the lives of packer fans. It gives people all over our state a time to come together in various ways to enjoy a game that unites us as a community. This schedule is communicated through several different mediums. The most common is the essential pocket schedule. These tiny schedules fit in a pocket and are given out at every gas station. This convenience offers easy access to schedules when fans are on the move. However, in our currently ever more technological filled world there have to be more modern alternatives to the classic paper schedule. These online schedules are posted on various websites and can also easily be found on the team’s twitter page where they give fans real time updates on the team. These mediums make the schedule easy to find on a moments notice. TV ads also make it easy to tell when the games are on. Most local channels have ads for the games throughout the week. Local businesses also help in spreading the word by having many game day specials and deals. These deals are marketed out and help both local business in self-promotion and reminding the fan of the time of the game.




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